Public school limited open enrollment period ends June 15
From Pittsburgh Public Schools:
Beginning April 1, 2011 parents of students within the Pittsburgh Public Schools may apply for a transfer for the 2011-12 school year through Limited Open Enrollment. Spaces are available at 11 District schools serving students in grades K-8. Applications may be obtained from the school of interest and will be accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis until June 15, 2011. Parents may apply only to schools in the same geographic region (South/West, North/Central or East) where their child resides and need to provide proof of residency at the time of application. Transportation for Limited Open Enrollment transfers is the responsibility of the parent or guardian unless there is an existing route with available space on the vehicle.
Students in special education are eligible for open enrollment, however; they should notify their child’s IEP team to ensure appropriate placement.
The chart below lists the 11 District schools and the space available in each school.
* Please contact Student Services directly at (412) 622-3952 to inquire about available space.
Update: King Elementary has spaces in the following grades: kindergarten – 5 spaces; 6th grade – 17 spaces; 7th grade – 13 spaces; 8th grade – 12 spaces.
Additional Information Regarding Open Enrollment
Below is additional information for parents to consider regarding Limited Open Enrollment.
- If approved for a transfer to a school, the student will remain at that school until the completion of the highest grade level. (5th grade for K-5 and 8th grade for K-8.)
- When students advance from elementary to middle or middle to secondary, they will return to their feeder pattern home schools based on their address of record.
- Students accepted through Limited Open Enrollment must maintain satisfactory attendance, citizenship and academic progress to avoid being transferred back to their feeder pattern school based on their address of record.
Parents will receive a letter from their school of interest indicating if their child has been accepted or not accepted into the school through Limited Open Enrollment no later than June 30, 2011.
The Board Limited Open Enrollment Policy
The Board resolution, adopted in 1996, states Limited Open Enrollment is allowed for students as long as:
- The District does not incur additional transportation costs; therefore, transportation will not be provided unless there is an existing route with available space;
- Space is available in the receiving school.
For questions regarding Limited Open Enrollment or to determine the geographic region of your current school contact the Parent Hotline at (412) 622-7920. Parents can find school information by visiting the Pittsburgh Public Schools website at